Outlook For Mac Identity

Outlook 2011for Mac has a special folder within the Mac OS X Finder called Office 2011 Identities. Just like it sounds, this special folder contains everything about your Outlook activities. Inside the Office 2011 Identities folder, Outlook stores one folder for each individual Identity. The name of the folder is the name of the Identity.

Outlook For Mac Identity

Each Identity folder stores your e-mail, account information, calendar events, tasks, and notes in a database for each Identity.

Note: The ability to manually repair or rebuild a database is not available in Outlook 2016 for Mac.If a problem such as Outlook data corruption occurs, Office 2016 for Mac automatically repairs and rebuilds the Office database for you. For more information, see About the Office 2016 for Mac database.

A profile, also known as an identity in Outlook for Mac 2011, is the set of data contained in Outlook. This includes accounts, email messages, contacts, calendar items, tasks, notes, categories, rules,. This should set the correct permissions for your identity. You should now be able to launch Outlook and import your 2011 identity by selecting Import on the File menu. More information. Outlook 2016 for Mac is available with the following subscriptions: Office 365 Home; Office 365 Personal; Office 365 University; Office 365 Business; Office 365. To switch Identities in Outlook 2011 for Mac, take these steps: Quit Outlook (pressing Command-Q quits any application). Run the Microsoft Database Utility. Change the default Outlook Identity. Click the red close window button in the upper-left corner of the Utility window to quit the Database Utility.

For Outlook 2011, the structure of an Identity folder is completely new. Outlook now treats each item within an Identity as a discreet file. Each e-mail, calendar event, or task is stored as its own file. This means Time Machine backups for your Identity can take a fraction of a second instead of several minutes or longer as it sometimes did in Entourage. Spotlight searching is much improved as a beneficial side effect.


Outlook 2011 Identity Location


By default, Outlook makes an Identity for you called Main Identity, which stores your first e-mail account’s information. It’s a good idea to learn where your Identity folder is located, if for no other reason so that you know not to delete or move it. Use Mac OS X Finder application (on your Dock) to navigate your file system.

Outlook For Mac 2011 Identity Location

Keep in mind that when you upgrade or add an e-mail account, calendar, task, or note, the information is stored within an Identity.

These scenarios illustrate times when having more than one Identity is desirable:

Outlook 2011 For Mac Identity

  • Separation of work and private life e-mail accounts: Your work may require you to have an IMAP account, a Gmail account, and an Exchange account, but you want to keep your personal e-mail accounts, contacts, tasks, and notes from mixing in with your business activities. Use one Identity for work and another for your private life.

  • Keeping jobs independent: Perhaps you work two or more jobs and don’t want to intermingle mail, calendars, and so on. Making an Identity for each job can help you keep your jobs from getting crossed.

  • Organization support: If you take care of the e-mail for a club or organization, make a separate Identity to keep that mail segregated.

  • Special event: If you manage a special event, such as a conference, webinar, or colloquium, starting a new Identity and e-mail account for the event is the perfect way to manage things.